Wednesday, 19 February 2014

What is Mathletics?

Following discussions at parents evening this week we thought we would provide an overview of Mathletics, we hope you find it useful.
What is Mathletics?
This is a web based mathematics program that we at St John’s subscribe to, we have used it for many years and find that the children enjoy it greatly (see Friday family assemblies for evidence of the number of certificates the children achieve each week). We also find that it helps with the children’s mathematical confidence and mathematical abilities.
We pay for it per child and so we ask that you as parents support us with this element of your child’s learning by allowing them to use it at home with you. If you do not have internet access let us know as we will allow them time to use it at school.
 Your child can work through set games and activities at the level appropriate to them. They can also play against other children around the world. As they play they gain points and each week these points accumulate to a weekly total and this is how they gain certificates. Certificates are bronze, silver and gold depending on how points they achieve. Points start a fresh each week.

The link below has lots of useful information for you to find out more about Mathletics:

I hope you have found this information useful, any further questions please see
a member of the EYFS Team.

Thank you for your continued support.